Migrate to Canada

Migration to Canada is the process by which people migrate to Canada  to reside there The majority of these people become Canadian citizens.After 1947, domestic immigration law and policy went through major changes, most notably with the Immigration Act , 1976 and the current Immigration & Refugee protection Act  from 2002.Canada is a popular destination with international  migrate . Canada is the second largest country in the world.In 2016, 2,96,346 people chose to migrate to Canada from across the world.

In Canada there are four categories of immigrants: family-class (closely related persons of Canadian residents living in Canada), economic immigrants (skilled workers and business people), refugees (people who are escaping persecution, torture or cruel and unusual punishment), and the humanitarian and other category (people accepted as immigrants for humanitarian or compassionate reasons). In 2016, Canada admitted 296,346 permanent residents, compared to 271,845 the previous year – the highest admissions levels since 2010. Of those admitted, 53% were economic immigrants and their accompanying immediate families; 26% were family class; 20% were either resettled refugees or protected persons; and 1% were in the humanitarian and other category.The country has an excellent educational system and free basic healthcare. It is also known as one of the safest countries in the world and the number 1 ranked country in terms of personal freedom.

To migrate to Canada, the applicant must score a minimum of 67 points on the Comprehensive Ranking System. This system takes 6 factors into account; age, language skills, education, work experience, arranged employment in Canada and adaptability.

In terms of language, English and French are the official languages of Canada. To prove language proficiency, the applicant must take an approved language test. The Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) and Niveaux de compétenceLinguistiqueCanadien (NCLC) are used to measure proficiency in English and French respectively.



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