University Admissions and Covid-19


This is a challenging year for everyone planning to go to university. The Coronavirus outbreak has created uncertainty for prospective students, teachers and parents. The global health emergency caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has rippled every university and educational institute around the world. With the rising number of cases and the death toll each day, students today are more concerned about their health than grades. However, both the government and the school administrators are working tirelessly to help learners reach their academic goals.

So, being an applicant, if you are worried about your studies and want to know how this pandemic will impact your progress and how things will move forward, this article covers everything.

The Academic Uncertainty

Either it’s the grades or the re-opening of the institute, the students are in a dilemma. Most schools have temporarily suspended their operations while others have switched to online learning system. While maintaining the social distance, the virtual learning system is proving to be beneficial in this tough time. Both the professors, as well as the students, can easily log in to their accounts, deliver/attend lectures and assign/take homework without any hassle.

However, the main issue arises when the internet or lack of technical expertise becomes the barrier between the learner and the online classes. This uncertainty has led the administrators to reconsider their online classes and grading policy. If they grade as per usual keeping these issues in mind, it would be unfair to the pupils who live in undeveloped states where the internet connection is low.

Alternatively, if they revise their grading system, it will affect the transcript of every student. Therefore, the ideal decision will be to focus on the grades scored in the previous semester than in this one. It means that the admission officer will consider students Fall-19 marks as Spring-2020 scores. So, all those students who are planning to enroll in the Fall-2020 semester, the entire transcript will be viewed and not just the last semester.

Assessment Test Cancellations

There are various assessment tests you need to pass, depending on your field, to get admission in the prospect school. However, these tests have been cancelled or postponed to a later date considering the COVID-19 hassle.

SAT Tests: The SAT scheduled for May has been cancelled by the administrators in response to the rapidly evolving epidemiological situation around the globe. Moreover, there is no official announcement made for the next date, but chances are it will not be anywhere near the mid of the year. The board has also stated that they may increase the number of SAT test intervals in certain regions that have been greatly affected by the outbreak.

IELTSTest: All papers scheduled in April have been cancelled with no new date announced yet. The board has promised to fully refund the fees into the personal registration account of each applicant. They are closely monitoring the conditions of each country and planning to re-open tests accordingly.

TOEFLTest: ETS is now offering TOEFL tests online at home. However, the applicants from China and Iran are not eligible to apply for the test. They are working to accommodate test-takers who were affected by the sudden test cancellations and opening new slots to cater more than the regular amount. Additionally, the TOEFL test is not available in a few countries due to the health and safety concern of students and staff.

Universities with No Assessment Test Requirements

Some Universities have announced admissions without the SAT, GRE, TOEFL, PTE or ILETS scores. This decision was taken in direct response to the limited availability of these test seats soon. As more students will be willing to get admission in international universities, the administrators have made it easier for them. However, this policy will not be adopted by all institutes, and many will demand the test scores to meet their standards. So, if you are planning to apply abroad in the upcoming years for studies, consider testing compulsory and start practicing today.

Restricted School Visits

Visiting the campus and making yourself familiar with the environment before making the final decision is not a possibility today. Well, this news did upset several students as without visiting the college, they wouldn’t be able to decide which one’s the best among their list. If you are in the same boat, remember to continue your research online. You can contact the seniors of your prospect institute to know about the campus life – its positives and downsides. Some of the top schools are also offering virtual campus visits that you can enroll in and learn more about their amenities.

Summer Programs and Plans

With the spring semester coming to an end, you may be looking for activities that can de-stress you and freshen up your mind. The best option is to enroll in summer programs and discover your best side and hidden talents. After this, you might not need to ask who can write my assignment anymore. Additionally, most of the schools are offering courses online for you to stay at home and learn something new to keep yourself on track. While others may be closed due to the pandemic, you should select the most suitable program for yourself. You might even get some discount due to the low number of applicants.

Barriers for International Students

All the points discussed above, from testing to getting admission and visa processing, an international student will face the most troubles. There may be a delay in operations, and test may get cancelled multiple times due to the uncertain situations. This is not only alarming for the applicants but for the administrators as well, as they are one of the sources they generate revenue from. So, if you are still planning to apply abroad, keeping all the situations in mind, be prepared to face the challenges of giving online tests, meeting the deadlines and getting into the desired institute.

Tips for Applying To College in the Coming Year

Either you are a high-school junior or senior planning to continue your studies in one of the top institutes, you need to hold onto these tips to succeed.

·         Prepare for the Tests

This pandemic may have stopped several operations, but sooner or later it is going to end, and you’ll have to get back to your normal routines. So, without wasting your time any further, you must continue to search for learning materials and practice the best you can to get admission in your desired college.

·         Stay on Track

Even if your school is not conducting online classes, you should stay connected with your studies. Make a schedule for each day until you are home and stick by it. There are several platforms available online which can guide you with your courses and fulfil your academic requirements.

·         Make a College List

Just like you did for your high-school, you can create a list of colleges you need to explore. This list will help you when you are researching and planning to further your studies to the next level.

At last, there were already several uncertainties regarding the admissions, and yet the COVID-19 has made it more complex. However, with nothing in our hands, we can only pray for this virus to end and for everyone to stay safe and sound. Till then, continue working hard, we have faith you’ll break all your previous records of success.




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